Speaker’s Corner
Sometimes a lively and convincing key note speech can ignite a process or create deep insights. In a change process such speeches can mark a turning point in the acceptance of the change. In order to fulfill this role, the messages and generated pictures of a speech need to be considered carefully, in respect to their fit to the core messages of the project and the mood of the organization.
To enable such key-note speeches I offer ghostwriting or polishing of to-be-given speeches. Based on the experience in the many change processes I consulted and the larger events I facilitated, I design the speeches and storylines in a way that they fit to the personality of the speaker and actively influence the audience.
In addition I give speeches myself. Back in 2000 I started with conferences speeches in Monte Carlo and Amsterdam on the topic of Knowledge Management. Today I love to talk about leadership, change and resilience. My intention is to offer state-of-the art insights and tools around the topic while inviting the audience onto a reflective development path during my speech.
The recent speeches included topics like:
- Career development – A path made by walking (250 high potentials, IT, English)
- Resilience and stability – A capacity for successful leaders (25 Executives, banking, English )
- Dealing with complexity: priorities, decisions and implementation in a matrix environment (75 executives, aviation, German)